Connecting With Students Amidst Covid-19
We are currently being asked to distance ourselves from other people and not meet in groups of more than 10. This presents some real problems for connectional youth ministry. We are so used to seeing each other, being around each other and connecting on a weekly basis.
There are also many people using things like Zoom meeting or Google hangouts to connect virtually, host small groups and live stream worship services
However there are many ways we can use technology, and stay connected with our students and others that don’t require a camera, or navigating online hangouts.
10 Ways to Connect Without Live Streaming
- Create a new worship playlist on Spotify for your students to listen to each week
- Issue a photo challenge of the day for students to send you.
- Hold a text message Bible study
- Post a daily devotional to instagram
- Hold a week long photo scavenger hunt
- Use Instagram stories poll questions to create engagement
- Host a text message version of the game 13
- Text 10 students per day to ask how they are feeling
- Post a daily TikTok or video challenge, post the videos to instagean
- Pray for your students by name daily.
What would you add to the list? How are you connecting with students during this time?
Here are a few more posts about ways to do ministry during the coronavirus.
Resources for Youth Groups during the Coronavirus Quarantine
5 Things to Consider About Online Youth Ministry During the Coronavirus