A New Way to Play
So your youth group might look a little different than it did a few weeks ago. Then you would gather in one room to play a game like gaga ball or Nukem . Now you find yourself meeting online in virtual hangouts?
So what do you do now? You can’t pull out the pool noodles or play steal the bacon. But there are still many ways to keep students being interactive using games you can do online.
6 Games for You:
Here are 6 games we have posted on our website that can easily be adapted for use in a virtual setting:
Reverse Scavenger Hunt
This is a favorite game for camp and retreats. To edit it for use online just call out an item and have students be the first to bring the item back to their screen.
Check out the original post here for a list of 100 item suggestions.
This is a fairly easy game to play in any setting with a few or more people. Just don’t be the one who says the number 13 and you stay in. To adapt for online make sure that you keep track of the order everyone should go in.
Check out how to play Thirteen.
You Quiz
How well do you know each other? This simple game usually uses scraps of paper to collect things like everyone’s favorite candy. Then everyone has to guess who it is. To adapt for online you could have students text their answers to you instead of putting them in a hat.
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