Many youth leaders will say that numbers are not important. While we often want that to be true, numbers of youth in a program are often use to gauge your ministry. However, the ways and methods we use to grow our youth programs are very important and can mean the difference between a ministry that flares up and burns out quickly, or one that is steady and sustainable.
So I wanted to share 5 ways to grow your student ministry that may not be obvious or are often overlooked.
1. Do not compare yourself to other programs…
Your youth group, church, situation, building, volunteers, history, volunteers, past issues, children’s ministry, worship style and many other factors that effect your youth ministry are all unique. Your youth group size will most likely be related to a variety of factors, which will not be the same for any church.
2. Care for those you have…
Right now there are students in your ministry. Focus on them. Love them. Talk with them. Get to know those students. If they feel welcome, accepted, appreciated and cared for then they will naturally invite their friends.
3. Be Cautious of Big Outreach Events
It’s tempting to bring in a band, buy a bunch of pizza, have a water balloon fight and have 300 kids come to your big outreach event. However, unless you have the small group leaders, adult volunteers, space, and structure to have that many per week, you will not be able to maintain those youth. That is, unless you want to bring in a band, buy a bunch of pizza and have a water balloon fight every week.
4. Get Involved in Your Children’s Ministry
Those 3-5 graders running around in the other building are your Jr High youth group in 3 years. Start building relationships with those students and parents now. Volunteer for some children’s events, hang out with them. When they move up into your youth program
5. Small Groups Small Groups Small Groups
Students can get lost in a large group gathering. And by large group I mean 15-20 or more. I am always looking for ways to get students in to smaller groups. If you have 20 students in a Sunday School class or youth gathering, maybe you can intro a topic and then have them divide into groups of 5 to discuss the questions. Also do events that put students into smaller groups like a photo scavenger hunt, where they spend 45 min with that group of students.
These are just 5 simple ideas that have worked for our group. I’d love to hear what you are doing. Share your thoughts in the comments below or on Facebook!
I tell myself to do 1 & 2 all the time but it just gets difficult, especially when I have an active youth decide to attend another youth group because they like how things are done over there and they have more friends attending there as well. It really stirs up a lot of different feelings in my head but I suppose all I can do is let them and everyone know that I will continue to be there to love and support them.
Yeah I understand that. Praying for you that you do not get discouraged.