A canned food scavenger hunt is a great way for your youth to have a blast, get adults involved, and help out your community. It is easily adaptable no matter if your group is 5 or 50. Here’s how…
1. Arrange for drivers for the day of the event. It is always a good idea to have a few on stand by.
2. Create your canned food scavenger hunt list. Check with the place you will be donating the food to see if there are any items they are in special need of. Give more points for those items. (Download our sample Canned Food Scavenger hunt list) Optional – Pick one food item for extra points. I chose a can of hominy. One group had that item and I gave them extra points.
3. The day of the event, divide your group up into individual cars and send them out into the community. Set a time for them to return early enough so they will have time to tally up their totals.
4. When the youth return, have them tally up their points and then award prizes.
5. Talk with your group about their experience. What did they like? What did they see? What was the best part? Help them to see that they were not only helping by collecting food, but by giving others the opportunity to be in mission by donating.
We did ours in mid September as to avoid all of the groups collecting food around the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
Have you done a canned food scavenger hunt? What items were on your list? What have you done differently? Answer in the comments below.