“Bear fruits worthy of repentance. Do not begin to say to yourselves, “W have Abraham as our ancestor”; for I tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children to Abraham… ” Luke 3:8
“Who are they?”
“Oh, that’s ______. They’re C and E.”
There’s a group that is easy to criticize if I’m not careful. If I’m not careful, I’ll forget that I was one of them. If I’m not careful, I’ll forget that while I am labeling them as C and E, God has already labeled them as sons and daughters. Even though they’re not always around, I should hear John the baptist’s words to the crowd of insiders as a warning for me (and others church workers and regulars) not to think too highly of myself because I feel I’ve earned some status as an “insider.”
I always seem to cringe a little bit when I read the words of the prophets, John or Jesus. Their teachings often seem pointed at people like me-teachers and churchy people. A few weeks ago, I read this text with a group of youth and adults and heard these words as a condemnation of speaking ill of people that only show up on Christmas and Easter (C & E is a shorthand way of communicating this).
Often when I and others say these words, it’s with an unleashed or critical tone. Maybe it’s the thought that they are causing our roll sheets to look slender. Or maybe it’s the thought that our budget wouldn’t be in the red for much of the time between April and December. Or maybe, it’s the irritation when someone sits in “the usual spot.” It could be for other reasons, but when I say these words and label people, I can’t help but to find myself wondering just how much I resemble the older brother in the parable of the prodigal or Jonah as I feel I’m basically saying “They don’t deserve this. Where were they when…”
John’s words to the “insiders” should be wake up call. There’s nothing deserving in me simply because I’ve darkened the door more than others. After all, if God could make children of Abraham from rocks, how much more could God make followers from those I’ve called “C and E”!
Russell Bowlin (twitter) is the Director of Ministries for Youth and Young Adults at FUMC Victoria in Victoria, Tx. Read more of his thoughts on his blog http://www.russbowlin.blogspot.com