Our first series of 2015 we diverged from our normal small groups, and instead had guys of all ages meet together and girls in a separate area. They guys used “Man Made Retreat” and girls used “Women of the Bible” both from Download Youth Ministry. The guys had fun making catapults and such, and the girls added a cool craft at the end as well.
To finish off the series we held a guys vs girls game night where we had several competitions between the groups.
We started off with “Man Gun Gorilla” variation of rock paper scissors. “Man beats Gun, Gun beats gorilla, gorilla beats man, you tie you die.” Whoever was left in the end..guy or girl.. their team got the points.
Second we did
“Counting to Twenty”
Teams paired up and designated one person to be A and one to be B. The person who was A said every number that started with T or F, the B person said the other numbers.
A -One
B- Two Three Four Five
C- Six Seven Eight Nine
D- Ten
…and so on
We moved on to two minute to win it games..
Gatorade Bottle Flip – From FunNinja.org
and the classic
“Shaving Cream Santa Beard Cheese Puff” Game. Basically one person gets a beard of shaving cream and their partner has a limited amount of time to throw as many cheese balls and have them stick on their partners beard.
We finished by playing a the life sized Trivia Addiction from Download Youth Ministry. Instead of a spinner we used the “BOXES” app from DYM. We also created a bunch of extra slides.
Extra Slides Keynote
Extra Slides Powerpoint
Check out the recap video from the night…