Wanting to start a contemporary worship service for youth in a small church with little resources? This was just the situation a friend of mine asked me about this weekend.
Here are some suggestions:
1. Use the talents that are in your church- Find out the youth who play guitar, or piano. Even those that think they can’t play well. It’s amazing what happens with a little encouragement. Also don’t just think of youth… do you have adults who could help out. They may be looking for a way to use their gifts with guitar, or drums that may not always find its way into the more traditional services.
2. Start Small- You don’t need drums, 2 electric guitars, a bass, keyboard and 4 vocalist to have a worship service. Small and simple is a great way to start. A guitar or keyboard is a good beginning, then slowly add things like hand drums, bass etc.
3. Start Simple- The latest worship band CD is great but your group probably will not have the instruments, or ability to play some of the songs that way. Choose simple arrangements of music. Preferably songs that use repeating chord patterns for the chorus and verse. Teach these patterns to the group and as they keep playing you will see that they reoccur in variations in many other songs.
4. Be Sensitive- If you are starting a service that you are inviting your whole church to be sure that you choose music that they may be familiar with. There are many hymns that work well in a contemporary setting. If you are going to do more recent songs then make sure that you provide words either by printing them out or by putting them up on a projector or overhead transparency.
5. Be Consistent- It takes time. It takes time to find musicians. It takes time to learn music. It takes time to build a service. Just be faithful to what God has called you to do. Encourage your participants and encourage your congregation. Be consistent in all you do.
I hope this atleast gives you a place to start.
This helps a lot. We had a worship band before summer started but when I realized that we sometimes had more singing and playing than we did in the audience….I knew we had a problem.
Since then, we have canceled it. Bringing a new guy to lead and holding auditions to hopefully have more of a commitment based worship band.
Thanks for these words!