Today everything is technology driven and youth ministry is no exception. Laptops, Desktops, tablets, projectors, screens, lights, and smart phones are now just some of the technology tools we use on a regular basis in ministry. We will continue to use technology at an ever increasing rate, so it does not make sense to get rid of it, however what if you could simplify?
Is it possible to do “IPad Only” Youth Ministry?
I began thinking of this idea after reading a tweet from Michael Hyatt where he recommended the book “#iPadOnly. The First Real Post-PC Book. by Augusto Pinaud & Michael Sliwinski. In the book the authors make an argument for ditching the computer and moving everything, or mostly everything you do to the IPAD. If this could work for authors, company owners and bloggers, why not for those of us involved in Youth Ministry.
Three Advantages of IPAD Only Youth Ministry
Portability – Whether you are on a mission trip, sitting by the pool, leading worship or preaching a message, the iPad is a great size. You can set it up on a music stand, or hold it in your hand, or set it on a table while in a meeting. It’s size makes it perfect in a number of situations were a laptop just won’t work.
Simplicity – Using an ipad, or other tablet, for the majority of your work forces you to simplify what you do, and to rethink your workflow. Simplifying what you do allows you more time for what we are supposed to be doing.. Youth ministry. You may begin to realize that there are things you do on your desktop or laptop that are really unnecessary steps for your job tasks.
Versatility – Your ipad can do many things that you laptop or desktop cannot. One of the most obvious is the ability for your iPad to take photos with the rear facing camera. The variety of apps available make it easy for your iPad to make movies, create slide shows, write documents, play games, update websites and much more. You can use your iPad to do a majority of the tasks usually performed on a computer.
In the next post we will look at some of the specific ways you can accomplish what you need to get done using only your ipad. In the mean time think about this. Could you move to using only a tablet for your ministry? What advantages would it have? What do you think would be difficult? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Leave them in the comments below.
Read “iPad Only Youth Ministry – Part 2 – Electronic Communication
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