Attending National Youth Workers Convention big room, workshops and conversations has been described as like “Trying to Drink from a Fire Hydrant” There is so much good information, ideas, thoughts and conversations that it is hard to comprehend it all.
So to help me remember, and to help any of you who would care to follow along, I will post some of my notes and thoughts from each day.
Day 1 – Thursday
Just arrived today, ate dinner and had one big room session. Here are those notes…
More than ever the church needs youth ministry
Youth Ministry is vatl to helping teens integrate into the larger community of all generations of the church
generational clicks have developed – Youth min can be advocates and nmeidators for teens in our church
We are not called to be a church within a church, but find a way to help students integrate into the church
In planning woship make sure illustrations and examples, songs, all elements are relevant to teenagers
2 – Youth Ministry resist the status quo, Helping a church stay relevant in a changing culture
Maybe the reason the church is no longer relevant is we are not tapping into the youth generation, their thoughts, ideas, struggles and joys
This generation has grown up with a completely different culture than ours
We should use those expereinces and ideas in our churches
3 – Youth Min focuses on invitin those who are not already part of the church into the deeper narrative of God’s plan for humankind. 75% come to know Christ before age 18
4 – Youth min reminds the church that teens are not marginalized members of the body, but are co creators and conspirators in the divine work of the church, restoring life on earth as it is in heaven.
Everywhere else youth are involved, they are considered children or teens. In the church, they are adults.
The church recognizes youth as members of the body, But we do not inlcude them as an integral part of the Body.
Empower the young people to be the church
How are we advocating and supporting our teens to do ministry in our church and community
5 – Youth min helps the church focus on the way of Jesus, which goes beyond tradition, dogma and ritual
When teens ask why – It keeps religion alive and helps to question why we do what we do
Teenagers help keep life in our community
It all boils down to this…
We love Jesus and Follow Jesus
We want to help teens love Jesus and Follow Jesus
Thoughts or questions? Leave them in the comments below.