The fall semester has come to an end and we are gearing up for the spring. One thing I like to do is to get the students input on what topics we might cover as part of our small groups series. I wrote down a list of about 50 different topics and gave it to each of them. I asked them simply to check those that they or their friends needed to hear about.
Below is a list of our top ten responses. I will sit down with our youth leadership team and see which ones will fit the best. Then we’ll begin to flesh them out into 3 part series for the rest of the Spring.
All of our series will not come from this list. However, it gives me a good barometer as to what the youth are facing and interested in. Even if we are doing a different focus for a series I can use this list to find ways to address these issues.
These are the topics. We’ll probably choose different titles as we work out each one.
1. Stress –
2. Relationships – Boyfriends, Girlfriends, Friends, Family
3. Good and Bad Times
4. Self Confidence
5. Forgiving Others/ Guilt and Forgiveness
6. Prayer
7. Who to Trust
8. Self Image/ Beauty
9. Fitting In
10. Respect
So what would you do with these ideas? Do you have suggestions? What would you add?