Looking for a simple background for your stage decoration? Try some screen.
1. Buy roll of metal screen for windows or screen doors –
We bought ours at home depot. Make sure it is wire or metal, not plastic or fiberglass.
2. Crumple the screen so it has lots of folds and creases –
Wear gloves to protect your hands. Start at one end and crumple as much as possible working you way to the other end.
3. Unfold the screen and straighten as much as possible –
This will still leave edges, folds and shapes that catch the light.
4. Attach the screen to the wall where you want it –
We used a few finishing nails and went straight into the wall. However we have also attached it to hangars, an used duct tape or used string. That will depend on your space and how permanent you would like it to be
5. Set your lights –
We have lights with gels already on the stage and we pointed them from the top down. However, you can use any strong light and place it at the bottom shining up for the same effect. Place the light about 6 inches from the bottom of the screen and point up.
What simple youth ministry stage decoration ideas do you use? Leave them in the comments below!
That’s a great idea, but it would be even better if you gave specific instructions and a pic of the screen up close.
I’ll get some up soon.. Thanks!