Here is a photo scavenger hunt idea you can do from wherever you are, for youth wherever they are. All you need is a phone with instagram and ability to take a screenshot of your screen. When I say this can be done anywhere, I was riding down to visit family in Houston, the youth were wherever they are on a Friday night. Some were hanging with friends, sitting at home or wherever.
Here’s how it worked.
First I posted this.
I had about 6 youth who were paying attention to Instagram who joined in. Then I started posting clues.
I waited about 5 minutes then…
and so on…
Each time the youth who were playing would find a photo that matched the description and send it in with the tag.
Next Time
This was our first try at it and I learned a few things to change next time.
1. Specify whether the photo needs to be actually taken at the time, or can be searched and found on the web or photo library and then a screenshot taken. Both are good, just be clear.
2. I did not have a great way to award points. I’ll probably be more intentional with that next time. However, in the end the points really did not matter much.
3. Announce the starting time early. Next time I will say something like “Join us tomorrow at 7 for our online photo scavenger hunt.” Then I can remind them through the day a few times.
I could also see this being adapted for any trip you are on. You could send out clues while at an amusement park, or on a long car trip.
Your Turn
Does this sound like something you would try? How would you make it better?
Check out these other photo scavenger hunt ideas.
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