I was recently reminded why I should take time to make videos. Now I know many youth do not use Facebook anymore. However, many parents and adults in the church do. Therefore it is still something I want to focus on as part of my youth communication strategy.
Recently we have made an emphasis to add more videos. These include announcements, worship songs, interviews, short instragram posts, or recap videos. I hadn’t taken time to look at the stats till recently. Compared with photos videos reach 10 times as many, have twice the engagement and are shared 10 times as often as photos.
Stats for videos far and away outweigh links, which is what youtube videos posted to Facebook look like.
I still have a youtube account, and I post a lot of videos there. However I make sure to post a good number directly to our youth Facebook page.
Do you use video? Facebook? Youtube? Share your thoughts in the comments below.