There is a group of people who I would consider the youth ministry gurus. Those guys who have written books and lead seminars. These are the guys I pay money to sit and listen to while at things like National Youth Workers Convention. I learn a lot from these guys and really enjoy their workshops, blogs, and podcasts.
However there is another group that I learn just as much or even more from. Those are the guys who I sit next to, or eat dinner with, or ride in the car with, or talk in the lobby with at these conventions. Youth directors who are in the next town over, next church over or work down the hall. Those I am facebook friends with, can call up and talk to, who I meet at district youth events, go on mission trips with, or stay up late talking with at camp.
I definitely enjoy the insight I get when listening to Duffy Robbins talk about speaking to youth or Doug Fields talk about small group ministry. But the truth is I learn a whole lot by sitting and talking with my youth ministry colleagues wherever we are. You see we all have something to share, and we all have something to learn.
Right now you have something that you have figured out about your ministry. Maybe it is an event, a program, an idea that is working well. No matter how insignificant you may think it is, there is someone out there who is facing the same challenge and looking for an answer. An answer you may have.
So my encouragement to you is to share. If you have something that works well for you do not just file it away in your desk for next year, write it up and post it somewhere like facebook, pinterest or a blog. When you meet with colleagues share what is going well in your ministry, and share what you are struggling with.
One of the ways I try to share my limited knowledge is this blog. If I find a game or an idea I try to post it up. My hope is that maybe I can share something I’ve learned so that you do not have to learn it the hard way too. Another way I am sharing what I know is through the Field Guide Network. This is a group of youth ministers who have committed to being mentors to other youth leaders. I encourage you to check it out.
I Thess 5:11 says “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”
Therefore keep doing it. Keep encouraging. Keep sharing. Keep serving.