How to Play:
This game  requires a couch that seats four, or four chairs designated as “the couch.” You also need a chair for every person, a piece of paper and pen for every person and one extra chair.
Arrange all of the chairs in a circle including the couch. Put two girls and two boys sitting on the couch. Then have everyone write their name on a piece of paper and put it into a hat.
Once they are done have everyone draw out a different name from the hat. Make sure no one gets their own name. For the duration of the game they become that person. They should not show their name or reveal who they are to anyone else.
The object of the game is to get the couch to have four girls or four guys. The girls and guys compete against each other.
To begin locate the empty chair. The person to the right of the chair calls out a name. Who ever has that name on a card stands up and moves across to sit in the empty chair. There is now a new empty chair. The person to the right does the same and calls out the name of a person.
Once the couch has four guys or girls the game is over. Begin again.
1. Once a person is called to the empty chair, the person who called them, and the person who moved switch names. This makes it even more complicated and I would wait till your group is very familiar with the game before trying this.
2. Every 10-15 rounds have the players pass their name 1-3 places to the right or left. A little easier to keep up than variation 1 however I would still make sure the group is good at the game before changing it up too much.
We talked about names, and why it is important that we take time to be welcoming and learn each other’s names. You could easily have the youth take home the name they were given and pray for that person throughout the week. Since each person has another person’s name the entire group would be prayed for.
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Is the goal to get 4 actual guys or girls on the couch, or 4 people who are holding the names of guys or girls?
Hey Paul, thanks for the question. The goal, as we played it, is that you are trying to get 4 girls or guys, not the name they are holding.