Here’s a game that is easy to set up, fun to play and will tire everyone out. It’s called 4 ring circus.
Items Needed –
4 hula hoops or tape/chalk/sharpies/rope to draw 4 circles on the floor. (ok.. i don’t recommend the sharpies)
6 small items. We used ping pong balls but i’ve heard of using candy like starburst, or coins, cards, paper clips, or whatever you have.
The Set Up
Take 4 hula hoops and set them on the ground in a square about 6-10 feet apart or in 4 corners of your playing space, with room behind them..
Place one item in each hula hoop.
Keep the remaining two small items in your hand.
Divide students into 4 teams and have them line up behind each hula hoop, facing in.
The Game-
The object is to get three of the small items in your hula hoop. You accomplish this by running to another team’s hula hoop and taking their item, and bringing it back to yours. You may only move one item at a time.
The first youth in line runs to get another group’s item. When they return to their hoop, the next person goes.
You cannot protect the items in your hoop. They are open for anyone to pick up.
To make it a little easier you can throw one of your additional items into the middle to be grabbed by any team.
5 items in play at once seemed to be the optimal amount.
Further Ideas –
I could see this played in the summer with baby pools and water balloons or sponges. Maybe with a sprinkler going as well.
I originally found this game on They have other great games, video countdowns and powerpoint games to download.
Played 4 Ring Circus last night at Youth. Easy set-up and great energy spender before sending off to small group time!
Glad you enjoyed it!