Volley-Foosball is a simple game for your youth group. All you need is:
1. Trashbag
2. Balloons
3. Chairs
4. A room big enough for all the chairs.
Step one: Blow up enough balloons to fill up your large trash bag. To be safe you may want to make a backup trash bag with balloons incase your first one breaks.
Step two – Divide your group into even numbers. Then divide each of those groups into 3-5 rows.
Step three – Have one row from Team A and Team B sit back to back in the middle of the room. Have a row of team A sit facing the middle row of Team B and A row from team B sit facing the opposite of Team A. Alternate rows like this making sure your final row is facing out toward the closest outside wall.
Example –
Step 4: Throw the balloon ball into the middle. Students must stay seated. They hit the balloon ball over their head backwards towards their goal.
Goal Options-
Depending on the size of your room and group you can do several options
1. If the ball lands on the floor behind the last row it is a goal
2. If the ball hits the wall on your goal end it is a goal
3. The ball has to be hit to one person who is standing or sitting in the goal area. We did this one and it made it so that you had to direct the ball not only past the end line but towards the middle.