One of the hardest things to do for youth leaders, yet one of the most important, is to come together and talk about ideas, share thoughts, and support each other in ministry. Distance and travel can make it difficult for all but a few to gather physically in one location. However, connecting online can change that.
We have recently begin using Google Hangouts Live to record Youth Leading Conversations. We send a link out on our group Facebook page, share the topic or topics of the day, and then let the conversations begin.
It has been great over the first few weeks to meet many new youth leaders, hear stories about what is going in on their ministry, and to see the community help each other with ideas, thoughts, suggestions, support and prayers.
The first episode of Youth Leading Conversations is posted on our youtube channel
Join the conversation each Thursday morning at 11:30. I’ll post a link on the TXCUMC Youth Leaders Facebook page and on